Thread Verfasser: John Doe
Thread ID: 1252
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Designa Theme
John Doe
Supportforum für den Download Designa Theme


Dieses Theme wurde auf die Version 7.02.xx geportet. Es enthält nicht allzuviele "Specials", ist aber full responsive und vielseitig einsetzbar.
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Hello! I install for the test two new themes, Rockit Radio 1.01 and Designa Theme 1.00. They all do not show articles,
I got:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function render_article () in Z: \home\\www\articles.php on line 43

The code in articles.php:


render_article($article_subject, $article[$_GET['rowstart']], $article_info);

I watched, the theme.php file in themes Rockit and Designa, in both files no function:


render_article ($ subject, $ article, $ info)

You can fix it and update the boot files?
Sorry for my english, I'm using Google translation.
Bearbeitet von zizub am 20. Mai 2017 00:33:26
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I understood. This theme is intended for the site that is made in the form of a blog, using only the news.
I do not know how to write code correctly. For myself, I did so: took a copy, function render_news, and replaced news on article.

function render_article($subject, $article, $info) {
   global $locale, $settings, $aidlink, $data;
   $parameter= $settings['siteurl']."articles.php?article_id=".$info['article_id'];
   $title= $settings['sitename'].$locale['global_200'].$locale['global_077'].$locale['global_201']."".$locale['global_200'];

   $breaking_news = 7200; //Breaking Articles Time (1 Hour/60 Mins/3600 Seconds)
   $KommentOne = "";
    $KommentTwo = " ×";
echo '<div>
      <ul class="clear">
          <articles class="clear">
               <h3 class="blog-post-title" style="margin-bottom:-1px; margin-top:-2px;">'.$subject.'</h3>
     echo '</articles>
     echo '<div align="right" class="meta">
'.showdate("%d.%m.%Y", $info["article_date"]).' '.itemoptions("A",$info['article_id']).'
     echo '<br /><hr />'; 

This is wrong, but it works, now I have articles. Everything works well. The error log is not. For the admin section I installed addon: Separate Admin Panel. I also made minor edits:
1. Connecting the scripts on line 137-139. Added by ".THEME."
2. Added the description on line 71 and 155 in alt.
I like this theme, I love minimalism. Thanks Layzee.
I'm doing a string of clearance, copyright. Where should I link Theme by Designa? To the forum or to
Bearbeitet von zizub am 22. Mai 2017 14:00:57
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John Doe
sorry for my late answer... less of time you know...

You're right, both themes are not for use with articles, so I left these lines empty.

Please link the Copyright of Designa theme to and if you use it somewhere leave copyrights in theme Rockit Radio as they already are.

Thx and best regards.
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